
I'm a computer science senior with a passion for artificial intelligence and full-stack development. When I'm not coding, you can find me lifting weights or playing FIFA. Oh and i like to read sometimes, currently reading Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.

about me

I'm a computer science senior at University of Houston-Downtown. During my time at UHD, I worked on a variety of projects including a mobile app to create an online marketplace for local buyers and sellers and many other projects. I am skilled in languages such as Python, Java, C++, C# Javascript and HTML/CSS.


> trustNdeal C2C Marketplace Android App

trustNdeal is a mobile application that aims to provide a more secure and reliable platform for buying and selling goods. Similar to OfferUp or Facebook marketplace, trustNdeal allows users to browse, post, and purchase items from local sellers. However, trustNdeal differentiates itself by offering additional security features to ensure a safe and trustworthy transaction for both buyers and sellers.

> Tout de Sweet Bakery Website

As part of a class project, I worked with a team to develop a hypothetical e-commerce website for a bakery named Tout de Sweet. The website was designed to simulate a real-world online bakery shop and allowed customers to purchase a variety of baked goods. The website featured a user-friendly interface, a streamlined checkout process, and secure payment options.

> S&P 500 Index Options Data Scraping and Processing

In this project, I used Selenium WebDriver, Pandas, and openpyxl to scrape S&P 500 Index options data from the Barchart website. The purpose of this project was to retrieve the data on the put and call volume, open interest, and average at-the-money volatility for different expiration dates. The data was then processed, cleaned, and saved to an Excel file.

> Relational Database Development for the 2021 NBA Season

As part of a database class, I developed a relational database focused on the 2021 NBA season. The database included information about each team, such as its name and home arena, as well as information about the players and coaches on those teams. The database was designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to easily search for teams, players, and coaches. This project allowed me to showcase my skills in database design and management, as well as my ability to create a functional and effective solution for managing and analyzing data.


If you have any questions or would like to work with me, please feel free to get in touch. You can reach me by email at abdelrahmanf84@gmail.com